Academic Publications

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Perspectives and Commentaries

Olsson, SB & Leeming, J. (2022)  This ecologist uses fake flowers to study India’s insects. Nature 612, 582.

Olsson, SB; et al. (2022) Framework For a Collective Definition of Regenerative Agriculture in India. Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal 5(1) 23-30.

Olsson, SB; Kaushik PK (2021) Insect decision making, American Scientist, 109(6) 368 doi: 10.1511/2021.109.6.368

Bawa KS, et al. (2021) Securing biodiversity, securing our future: A national Mission on biodiversity and human well-being for India. Biological Conservation 253:108867.

GT, Geetha, Brockmann A; Perundurai, D; Olsson, SB (2020) Reply to Negri et al.: Air pollution and health impacts on bees: Signs of causation. Proc. Natl., Acad. Sci. USA, 117 (43) 26578-26579.

Bawa, K at al. (14 authors, 2020). Opinion: Envisioning a biodiversity science for sustaining human well-being. Proc. Natl., Acad. Sci. USA, 117 (42) 25951-25955.

Bindra, PS et al. (16 authors; 2020). The post COVID India. Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal 3 (2), 5-11.

Sharma, D; Olsson, S; and Ramakrishnan, U (2017). DBT network programme enables northeastern students to deconstruct chemical interactions within local biodiversity. Current Science 113:1019.

Olsson, SB et al. (18 authors; 2017). New frontiers for chemical ecology: Reconfirming a commitment to the Gothenburg resolution. J Chemical Ecology, 43(1): 2-3.

Olsson, SB; Challis, RAJ; Cole, M; Gardeniers, JGE; Gardner, JW; Guerrero, A; Hansson, BS; Pearce, TC (2015). Biosynthetic Infochemical Communication. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 10: 043001.

Olsson, SB; Hansson, BS (2012). A flux capacitor for insect pheromones. Chemical Senses. 37: 295-298.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Dwivedi, V, Kumar, SR, Shilpashree, HB, Krishna, R, Rao, S, Shasany, AK, Olsson, SB and Nagegowda, DA (2022) An inducible potato (E,E)-farnesol synthase confers tolerance against bacterial pathogens in potato and tobacco. Plant J. 11:1308-1323.  doi: 10.1111/tpj.15890

Nataraj, N, Hussain, M, Ibrahim, M, Hausmann, AE, Rao, S, Kaur, S, Khazir, J, Mir, BA and Olsson SB (2022) Effect of Altitude on Volatile Organic and Phenolic Compounds of Artemisia brevifolia Wall ex Dc. From the Western Himalayas. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:864728.

Tait, C, Kharva, H, Schubert, M, Kritsch, D, Sombke, A, Rybak, J Feder, JL, and Olsson, SB . (2021): Supplementary material from “A reversal in sensory processing accompanies ongoing ecological divergence and speciation in Rhagoletis pomonella”. The Royal Society. Collection. 288(1947):

Rajus, S, Bhagavan, SG, Kharva, H, Rao, S, and Olsson, SB (2021) Behavioral Ecology of the Coffee White Stem Borer: Toward Ecology-Based Pest Management of India’s Coffee Plantations. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:607555. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.607555.

Gerkin RC, and GCCR Group Author (2020) Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms, Chemical Senses, , bjaa081,

GT, Geetha; Sharma, A; Mullen S; Sottilare, K; SM Rishika; Brockmann A; Perundurai, D; Olsson, SB (2020). A field-based quantitative analysis of sublethal effects of air pollution on wild pollinators. Proc. Natl., Acad. Sci. USA, 117 (34) 20653-20661.

Kaushik, PK, Olsson, SB (2020) Using virtual worlds to understand insect navigation for bio-inspired systems, Curr Op Insect Sci, 42:97-104.

Rajani, P, Rajasekaran, C, Vasanthakumari, MM, Olsson, SB, Ravikanth, RG., Uma Shaanker, R. (2020) Inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by endophytic Trichoderma spp. through mycoparasitism and volatile organic compounds. Microbiol Res 242: 126595.

Dwivedi, V, Rao, S, Bomzan,  DP, Kumar, SR,  Shanmugam, PV,  Olsson, SB,  Nagegowda, DA. (2020) Functional characterization of a defense‐responsive bulnesol/elemol synthase from potato. Physiol Plantarum 171(1):7-21.

Parma, V et al. (+50 authors). (2020) More than smell – COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis. Chemical Senses. bjaa041.

Kaushik, PK; Renz M; Olsson, SB (2020). Characterizing long-range search behavior in Diptera using complex 3D virtual environments. Proc. Natl., Acad. Sci. USA,

Batra, S; Corcoran, J; Zhang, D-D; Pal, P; K.P., U; Kulkarni ,R; Löfstedt, C, Sowdhamini R and Olsson SB (2019) A Functional Agonist of Insect Olfactory Receptors: Behavior, Physiology and Structure. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 13:134. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00134

Nair, JV; Pragadheesh, VS; Karpe, SD; Ramakrishnan, U; Olsson, SB (2018) An optimised protocol for large-scale in situ sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ecol. Evol. 8:5924-5936.

Nordström, K; Dahlbom, J; Pragadheesh, VS; Ghosh, S; Olsson, A; Dyakova, O; Krishna, S; Olsson, SB (2017) In situ modeling of multimodal floral cues attracting wild pollinators across environments. Proc. Natl., Acad. Sci. USA 114: 13218–13223. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1714414114).

Sharma, D., Olsson, S., and Ramakrishnan, U. (2017) DBT network programme enables northeastern students to deconstruct chemical interactions within local biodiversity. Current Science 113:1019.

Cha, DH; Olsson, SB; Yee, WL; Goughnour, RB; Hood, GR; Mattsson, M; Schwarz, D; Feder, JL; Linn Jr., CE (2017) Identification of host fruit volatiles from snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus), attractive to Rhagoletis zephyria flies from the western United States. J Chemical Ecology, 43(2):188-197.

Olsson, SB and the Bengaluru Consortium (18 authors; 2017) New frontiers for chemical ecology: Reconfirming a commitment to the Gothenburg resolution. J Chemical Ecology, 43(1): 2-3.

Tait, C; Batra, S; Ramaswamy, SS; Feder, JL; Olsson, SB (2017) Sensory specificity and speciation: a potential neuronal pathway for host fruit odour discrimination in Rhagoletis pomonella. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 283 20162101; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2101.

Getahun, MN; Thoma, M; Lavista-Llanos, S; Keesey, I; Fandino, RA; Knaden, M; Wicher, D; Olsson, SB*; and Hansson, BS*; *Co-Last Authorship (2016) Intracellular regulation of the insect chemoreceptor complex impacts odor localization in flying insects. J. Experimental Biology, 219: 3428-3438.

Olsson, SB; Challis, RAJ; Cole, M; Gardeniers, JGE; Gardner, JW; Guerrero, A; Hansson, BS; Pearce, TC (2015) Biosynthetic Infochemical Communication. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 10: 043001.

Ghaninia M; Olsson, SB; and Hansson, BS (2014) Physiological organization and topographic mapping of the antennal olfactory sensory neurons in female hawkmoths, Manduca sexta. Chemical Senses,39 (8): 655-671.

Capurro, A; Baroni, F; Kuebler, L; Kárpáti, Z; Dekker, T; Hansson, BS; Pearce, TC; Olsson, SB. (2014) Temporal features of spike trains in the moth antennal lobe revealed by a Comparative time-frequency analysis. Plos ONE, 9, e84037.

Getahun, MN; Olsson, SB; Lavista-Llanos, S; Hansson, BS; Wicher, D (2013) Insect odorant response sensitivity is tuned by metabotropically autoregulated olfactory receptors. Plos ONE, 8(3): e58889.

Späthe A; Reinecke, A; Olsson, SB; Kesavan, S; Knaden, M; Hansson, BS (2013) Plant species- and status-specific odor blends guide oviposition choice in the moth Manduca sexta. Chemical Senses 38(2): 147-159.

Kuebler, LS; Schubert, M; Karpati, Z; Hansson, BS; Olsson, SB (2012) Antennal lobe processing correlates to moth olfactory behavior. J. Neuroscience, 32(17): 5772-5782.

Getahun, MN; Wicher, D; Hansson, BS; Olsson, SB (2012) Temporal response dynamics of Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons depends on receptor type and response polarity. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 6: 54.

Capurro, A; Baroni, F; Olsson, SB; Kuebler, LS; Karout, S; Hansson, BS; Pearce, TC (2012) Non-linear blend coding in the moth antennal lobe emerges from random glomerular networks. Frontiers in Neuroengineering. 5: 6.

Olsson, SB; Hansson, BS (2012) A flux capacitor for insect pheromones. Chemical Senses. 37: 295-298.

Olsson, SB; Getahun, MN; Wicher, D; Hansson, BS (2011) Piezo-controlled microinjection: An in vivo complement for in vitro sensory studies. J. Neuroscience Methods, 201(2): 385-389.

Olsson, SB and Kuebler, LS; Veit, D et al. (2011) A novel multicomponent stimulus device for use in olfactory experiments. J. Neuroscience Methods, 195(1): 1-9.

Sargsyan, V; Getahun, MN; Lavista Llanos, S; Olsson, S; Hansson, B; & Wicher, D (2011) Phosphorylation via PKC regulates the function of the Drosophila odorant coreceptor. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 5: 5.

Kuebler, LS; Olsson, SB; Weniger, R; Hansson, BS (2011) Neuronal processing of complex mixtures establishes a unique odor representation in the moth antennal lobe. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 5: 7.

Olsson, SB; Kesevan, S; Groot, AT; et al. (2010). Ostrinia revisited: Evidence for sex linkage in European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) pheromone reception. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10: 285.

Karpati, Z; Olsson, SB; Hansson, BS; Dekker, T (2010). Inheritance of central neuroanatomy and physiology related to pheromone preference in the male European corn borer. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10: 286.

Olsson, SB; Linn, Jr. CE; Feder, JL., et al. (2009). Comparing peripheral olfactory coding with host preference in the Rhagoletis species complex. Chemical Senses, 34: 37-48.

Olsson, SB; Barnard, J; Turri, L (2006). Olfaction and identification of unrelated individuals: Examination of the mysteries of human odor recognition. J. Chemical Ecology, 32: 1635-1645.

Olsson, SB; Linn, Jr. CE; Michel, A., et al. (2006). Receptor expression and sympatric speciation: Unique olfactory receptor neuron responses in F1 hybrid Rhagoletis populations. J. Experimental Biology, 209: 3279-3741.

Olsson, SB; Linn, Jr. CE; Roelofs, WL (2006). The chemosensory basis for behavioral divergence involved in sympatric host shifts: I. Characterizing olfactory receptor neuron classes responding to key host volatiles. J. Comparative Physiology A., 192: 279-288.

Olsson, SB; Linn, Jr. CE; Roelofs, WL (2006). The chemosensory basis for behavioral divergence involved in sympatric host shifts: II. Olfactory receptor neuron sensitivity and temporal firing pattern to individual key host volatiles. J. Comparative Physiology A., 192: 289-300.Larsson,

MC; Stensmyr, MC; Bice, SB (MAIDEN NAME); Hansson, BS* (2003). Attractiveness of fruit and flowerodorants detected by olfactory receptor neurons in the fruit chafer Pachnoda marginata. J. Chemical Ecology, 29(5): 1253-1268.

Stensmyr, MC; Larsson, MC; Bice, S; Hansson, BS* (2001). Detection of fruit- and flower-emitted volatiles by olfactory receptor neurons in the polyphagous fruit chafer Pachnoda marginata (Coleoptera: Cetoniinae). J. Comparative Physiology A, 187 (7): 509-519.

Book chapters and conference proceedings

Olsson, SB; Hansson, BS (2013) Electroantennogram and single-sensillum recording in insect antennae. In: Pheromone Signaling: Methods and Protocols, K. Touhara, ed. Springer Protocols: Totowa, NJ, 1068, 157–177.

Getahun, MN; Wicher, D; Hansson, BS; Olsson, SB (2013) Temporal response dynamics of Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons depends on receptor type and response polarity. In: Design principles of sensory receptors, D. Wicher, ed. Frontiers Media SA: Lausanne, CH.

Capurro, A; Baroni, F; Olsson, SB; Kuebler, LS; Karout, S; Hansson, BS; Pearce, TC (2013) Non-linear blend coding in the moth antennal lobe emerges from random glomerular networks. In: Bioinspired solutions to the challenges of chemical sensing, R. Huerta and T. Nowotny, eds. Frontiers Media SA: Lausanne, CH.

Rácz, Z; Olsson, SB; Gardner, JW; Pearce, TC; Hansson, BS; Cole, M (2011) Challenges of Biomimetic Infochemical Communication. Proc. Comp. Sci. 7: 106–109.

Kuebler LS; Olsson SB; and Hansson BS (2011) First Order Processing of Complex Olfactory Information in the Moth Brain. Proc. Comp. Sci. 7: 258–260.

Cole, M.; Gardner, JW; Racz, Z; Pathak, S; Guerrero, A; Muñoz, L; Carot, G; Pearce, TC; Challiss, J; Markovic, D; Hansson, BS; Olsson, S; Kuebler, L; Gardeniers, JGE; Dimov, N; Bula, W (2009). Biomimetic insect infochemical communication system. 2009 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3: 1295-1298 2009.

  One thought on “Academic Publications

  1. February 9, 2019 at 7:05 am

    Respected madam, myself a sanjay rather, a guest faculty in gulbarga university, Dept of microbiology. Am very eager to know of ecology and it’s applications. Please do suggest some books on ecology.

    Yours sincerely
    Sanjay rather.


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